Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our First Trip to Kings Island

Mom took Jorge and Lucy to Kings Island while Dad was at work - yes, we had all the fun! Mom's nieces Corey & Cassie and nephews Nathan & John joined us.

Jorge and Lucy were so thrilled to get their picture taken with Sponge Bob! They weren't to thrilled about the Wild Thornberry log flume ride that we went on right before this picture. Mom told them they weren't going to get wet, and we got SOAKED!
Here's Jorge and John on Plankton's Plunge. Jorge loved this and the Fairly Odd coaster (aka The Beastie). I think he road the coaster 7 times. He only wanted to ride things with John or Nathan!
Lucy enjoyed the milder rides like this one. She road Plankton's plunge but did NOT find it fun AT ALL!

1 comment:

Michelle R Photography said...

I'm with Lucy!!! Leila, Mia & I rode a ride exactly like Plankton's Plunge at the zoo last month and Leila and I had them stop the ride about 30 seconds in because we couldn't stand it. That little harmless ride terrified me!!

Cute pics!