Sunday, February 17, 2008

Forever Ours!

January 10th was the day we met our daughter for the first time. What an unforgetable experience! We met in our hotel lobby first thing in the morning and boarded a bus headed to the Civil Affairs Bureau of the Hunan Province. When we arrived we were herded into a room and the doors were closed. Then, a woman appeared with the first child. They called out the girl's name. You saw the family burst out with emotion. It was so moving to watch each family receive their bundle of joy! We anxiously awaited our Lucy to appear. They called her name out and we were so happy! I can't even describe the emotion of seeing your child for the first time. She was so bundled up in clothes, the only thing showing was her face with rosey checks. We showed the woman our passports and signed a paper and she was placed in our arms for the rest of our lives!

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