Thursday, November 27, 2008

Jorge and Winter Football

Jorge is playing flag football this winter. His team's name is the "Irish" and he is #3 in the pics below (as if you couldn't tell)... :-) This was something that we did not push him to do as much as it is something he really wanted to try and he is so excited about it right now. He is a very mature kindergartner (most of the time) and you can see, even in the pictures, how well he pays attention to the coach, the game and how in tune he is with learning all he can about it. It is a lot of fun to see him enjoying himself with it and he loves to run and has quite a nose for the football. I think he's got cornerback written all over him. It's hard to get really good pictures for two reasons - they are not close up and the lighting in "The Dome" is not the best, but I think you'll get the point with the pics below...

1 comment:

Michelle R Photography said...

I love all the new pics!! Go Jorge, you are going to be their star player!

I am so glad to finally see pictures of Lucy and Mary in the wedding. They are the cutest little flower girls EVER!

Come check out my many faces of Joe post. I mean, seriously, could he be any cuter?

Love to you all,