Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Our Big Boy Has Surgery

We have known for the best part of the last 5 years that Jorge would be best served with an elective ear surgery/reconstruction on his right ear. The Doctor recommended that we wait though until Jorge was at least 4 years old, and we put it off till he was mid way through his 5th year. He had significant hearing loss in that ear as his ear canal never formed properly. So the time came for the procedure and the Doctor went in this week and built an ear canal. Some bone around his ear had to be drilled out and a nice size skin graft from his right thigh was taken to help accomplish the mission. As guilty as Mom and Dad felt for doing this we also know that there is a tremendous upside to the procedure and, if successful, Jorge should be able to anticipate a lifetime of good hearing in his right ear as a result of this process. Jorge was a real trooper and he and Dad spent the night in Riley hospital in Indianapolis last night -- holding hands most of the night. :-) Everyone is now home and doing fine. Here are some pics of Jorge hours after the surgery yesterday...

Poor fella

Jorge and his beautiful Mother (Rob typing here...:-)

He looks like he just got into a fight with a bear, but he was a champ in there yesterday!

Had to have his Ninja Turtles with him yesterday.

A few balloons from some very special loved ones.... :-)


Michelle R Photography said...

Oh, my precious little Jorge. That is one big bandage! I want to come give him big hugs. That's so sweet that Rob held his hand all night. Aunt Michelle is getting misty.

Steph&Bob said...

If Joe will ever have a chance to catch Jorge, this is it. Poor thing...glad to hear he is being such a troooper and everything went well! Tough like his dad!